Part two

MT. DIABLO, 2000 Page 1 2 3

Timothy climbing

Timothy climbing.

Look back

One of the specks on the road down there is Michael.

Michael climbs the last bit

It's confounding; you slug out the many miles of climbing, approach the top and then for the last couple hundred yards to the very top the grade goes vertical. It's out-of-the-saddle, make-you-weep climbing. Here's Michael.

Michael near the top

And or course he's smiling! Me, I was cursing at this point. But then Michael has a triple with a granny gear.

The last bit

The final few feet.

The parking lot up top

Here's the view of the parking lot at the top from the tower. Michael is chatting up a local father and daughter that also just rode their bicycles up Mt. Diablo.

Timothy tests Mike's bike

Timothy tries out Michael's bicycle.


Michael ready to descend.
